Hi! I'm Jaime, an Educator, Historian, Singer, and Learner from North Carolina.
Who Am I?
I currently serve as Professor and Chair in the Department of History at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. In addition to my teaching and administrative responsibilities, I mentor our students who want to work in Public History (museums, historic sites, archives, etc.). I help them identify and make the most out of internships and other experiential learning opportunities, and I build experiential learning into many of my classes, even those that aren't specifically focused on Public History. I am also a student of Learning, Design, and Technology, as well as a Children's Choir Director and singer.
Selected Work
Hayes Pond Historical Marker Class Project, 2018
Secondary Source Citation Formats Video for Historical Methods Class, 2020
Director of Children's Choirs, Central United Methodist Church of Florence, SC, 2018-present